Fémjelzés – a hét újdonságai (2020. október 5-11.)

Az aktuális hét underground fémmonstrumait állítjuk nektek csatasorba, hogy lépést tarthassatok az új korongok megjelenésével.

A Diaboli A Diaboli (black metal)
A Serpent’s Hand Might of the King (melodikus death metal/metalcore)
Abode for the DeadDisconnected (melodikus death metal)
Abysm A Grim Reminder (EP) (sludge metal)
Abyssal AscendantChronicles of the Doomed Worlds – Part II. (death metal)
Aonar The Cult of Life (black metal)
ApparitionGranular Transformation (EP) (death metal)
Arcane North Return to the Arcane North (atmoszferikus black metal)
Ardduc Othila (pogány/folk metal)
Arkheron ThodolRituals of the Sovereign Heart (atmoszferikus black metal)
ArtisianSkull and Bones (EP) (black/death metal)
Baume Août approche (post-black metal)
BlasfemeIniquity in Salvation (black/death metal)
Blood of Angels Failure of Faith (melodikus death metal)
Blue Öyster Cult The Symbol Remains (hard rock)
Bodybag Garibaldi E.E.D.A (EP) (death metal/grindcore)
Call of the Red Forest Flaming Souls (black metal)
Corpse Stench Crypt of Eternal Decay (EP) (death metal)
Crippled Black PhoenixEllengæst (post/progresszív rock)
Cuntcrusher The Countenance (thrash metal)
Death Angel Under Pressure (EP) (thrash metal)
Death ScepterSpiritual Metamorphosis (black metal)
DeathEpoch Abysmal Invocation (black/death metal)
Decayos Shadow Waiting in the Flesh (EP) (blackened death metal)
DGM Tragic Separation (progresszív power metal)
Disagradablement Disagradablement (EP) (doom/death metal)
Disrupted Pure Death (death metal)
Distend Distend (EP) (post-black metal)
Draconis InfernumBlood of the Iconophile (EP) (black metal)
DrengskapurWas der Morast verschlang (black metal)
Dysylumn Cosmogonie (progresszív black/death metal)
Eclipsus Pandemonium (EP) (black metal)
Embryonic CellsDecline (death/black metal)
Empty ForestTomorrow Means Nothing (depresszív black metal)
Eroding Realm Eroding Realm (EP) (experimental death/doom metal)
Fell FyreDevastation and the Dauntless (epikus heavy metal)
Final DawnMinä olen pimeys (melodikus death metal)
Fortress Under SiegeAtlantis (progresszív metal)
Fotze SpritzegaggaDünnschiss (death metal/goregrind)
Funeral Candies Месу розпочато (black metal/black ‘n’ roll)
Furnace Dark Vistas (death metal)
G2 Evolution In Pvgna (melodikus death metal)
Gallu Xul Emissaries of the Underworld (death metal)
Gianluca FerroCosmic Dead Ringers (progresszív metal)
Helion Prime Question Everything (power metal)
Hellripper The Affair of the Poisons (black/Speed metal)
Hercólubus Re-ligare (melodikus death metal)
Hexer Realm of the Feathered Serpent (doom/sludge metal)
Hush Isolated (brutális death metal)
Immortal Rites Bhatara Api (black/death metal)
In Cauda VenenumG.O.H.E. (post-black metal)
Incinerate Sacrilegivm (brutális technikás death metal)
Inferi Of Sunless Realms (EP) (technikás/melodikus death metal)
Inmundus Carmina in Nocte (progresszív metal)
Invernoir The Void and the Unbearable Loss (gótikus/doom metal)
Ion of ChiosreHUManize (progresszív metal)
Isenmor Shieldbrother (folk/viking metal)
Johansson & SpeckmannThe Germs of Circumstance (death metal)
Katla Warmongering Luciferians (Chapter 2) (EP) (stoner/sludge/doom metal)
King Leon Morningstar (heavy/power metal)
Kira Peccatum et Blasphemia (black/death metal)
Lampir Awaiting the Predatory Dreamscape (black metal)
Legendarium Reign in Repose (heavy metal)
Little Hole FilledAnd the Ants Still March On (doom/stoner/sludge metal)
Living Darkness The Bishop (heavy metal)
LNS 666 Fatalité (heavy metal)
Lord SinPortrait of the Devil (doom/stoner metal)
Luke FortiniTo Search (Neoclassical/Shred metal)
Luminous VeilBellow of a Writhing Land (black metal)
Mexican Ape-LordSurvival Cannibalism (melodikus thrash/heavy metal)
MimosisRisen from Bitter Fields (death metal)
Mists of Eternity Burning Down (atmoszferikus black metal)
Myk MassacreNine Circles (melodikus death/groove metal)
NahemothАнтитезис (black metal)
Napalm Healer Stranglehold Suits the Power (thrash metal)
Neànder Eremit (doom/post-metal/rock)
Neck Cemetery Born in a Coffin (heavy metal)
Necralant Necralant (black metal)
Necrophobic Dawn of the Damned (death/black metal)
Odium Humani Generis Przeddzień (black metal)
Pale Sky Soul Slumber Gehenah (EP) (black metal)
Pandemus Into the Eternity of Darkness (EP) (black metal)
Preludium Fury The Kingdom of Hope (power metal)
Psyche De laatste incisie (EP) (black/death metal)
Psycho Visions Our Own (melodikus death metal)
Q-FoniaOutro (melodikus death metal)
R.I.P. Dead End (doom metal)
Radicalizer Superspreader (EP) (death metal)
Reason The Divine Rest (melodikus death/doom/gótikus metal)
Reign of ErebusDe Morte Aeterna (Raw black metal)
RepukedDawn of Reintoxication (death metal)
Ridden Dawn of the Black Sun (black metal)
Riders of the Seven SeasBlack Storm (progresszív melodikus heavy metal)
Rise to the SkyDeath Will Not Keep Us Apart (atmoszferikus doom metal)
Searching for Silence Empty Road (heavy metal)
Serigala Fragments of a Shattered Soul (post-black metal)
Shardana Milli Annos (epikus heavy/power/thrash metal)
She-Ra Crownkiller (heavy/thrash metal)
Shield AnvilTowards Utopia (melodikus death/thrash metal)
Sickbay Deaths Cold Grip (death metal)
Sil KhannazIntravena tantrika (melodikus thrash/death metal)
Speedböozer Still Ugly, Still Pissed, Still Hate You (thrash metal/punk)
Spiritwood Faceless Infinity (atmoszferikus black metal)
Suffocate the SkiesHeathenwulf (szimfonikus/melodikus death metal)
Supernatural EliminationSupernatural Elimination (death metal)
System DecayCrown (thrash metal)
Tempestarii Chaos at Feast (black metal)
Teramaze I Wonder (progresszív metal/rock)
The UnguidedFather Shadow (melodikus groove metal)
Todestriebe In The Vortex Of Destructive Creations (black metal)
Torment Occult (death metal)
Totenrune Towards the Universe (black metal)
Trail of BloodCloser to God (melodikus thrash metal)
True StrengthThe Mighty Hand of Yahweh (heavy/power metal)
Ur Obelga (EP) (black/heavy metal)
Urgewalt Traumweber II (atmoszferikus black metal/ambient)
Vélfragor Under Angel Spell (gótikus/death metal)
Vhäldemar Straight to Hell (power metal)
Vocyferium Curse (EP) (melodikus death metal)
Wallfahrer Lightbringer-Leidbringer (black metal)
Wreck-Defy Powers That Be (thrash metal)
Yatra All Is Lost (stoner/doom metal)
Ynkleudherhenavogyon Arvor Mysteri (black metal)
Zaklon Zychod (black metal)
Zaratán Teragon (EP) (black metal)